Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Give the children the start in life they deserve.
Make a decision that will change their life forever.
It will change your life too

To know about DGSEA please scroll down and visit the other two pages also.

If you wish to contribute : Click Here

payment through cc avenue is very simple and very effective

*DGSEA originally an acronym for
Duraisamy Generous Social Education Association
is now the accepted name and also serves as our logo.

DGSEA is a Non-Governmental Organisation working in the field of community service for more than 25 years functioning from a remote village 80 kms away (towards south)from Chennai. DGSEA is proud to be a member of the Confederation of Indian Organisations for Service and Advocacy (CIOSA).

Address: Vilvarayanallur, New Mambakkam Post, Maduranthakam Taluk, Kancheepuram District 603 306 Contact person: V.Krishnamoorthi, Chairman Phone: (044) 27552364; Mobile: 9443352364

City contact: Kumar, F5 #169 Eldams Road, Alwarpet, Chennai 600018 Phone 42059277 Mobile: 9841099245

Aims & Objective:

Many rural poor have daily battle for the basic necessities of life. The problems of the rural women cannot just be explained in words.

So many, so many under-prevliged are there in our society. They often comprise the most neglected, marginalized and unlettered of their community. They are usually denied education and the right to enjoy normal social interactions and relationships.

Our aim is to enable every citizen in the villages to rise above the hardships to emerge a healthy productive and contributing member of society

Keeping the special problems of the rural people in mind, we started our mission towards achieving our aim in 1976. The first task was to sensitize and train uneducated members of the community by specialists and professionals so that they can spread awareness.

Things were, pretty bleak in the beginning. But with the support of generous people like you, the situation started changing. Our institute helps the children learn skills and vocations that would prove useful to them in earning a living and becoming independent.

At present we have: 1.Home for the Children (Boys and Girls separately) in which 200 Less-fortunate children are staying. They are given food, shelter, clothing and Books free of cost.

2.High School (from standard 1 to Standard 10) providing Free Education without any bias of caste or creed. 3.Vocational Training Center - to provide training to the children in addition to Academic curriculum 4.Creche to take care of the babies of working women 5.Home for the Aged to take care of the Senior Citizens 6.Non-formal Education Centers for the elders 7.Day Care center for the Aged to take care of the Senior citizens who feel lonely at Home during the Day 8.Self Help Groups for the women to make them financially stronger and all activities for the development of the community in General 9.Rehabilitation center for the Handicapped children with specialists who train the deaf & dumb, blind and orthopedically deficient. 10. Adoption of 85 villages to provide training and employment support.


Members of Apex clubs, Round Table, Rajasthani Association, Lions Clubs all over the world have recognised our services and coordinated with our efforts in the service to the community.

Our services have been appreciated by M/s INTERFACE who are able to get donors and they have started supporting our programme. To start with they have sponsored three schemes and they have promised to do more. This was possible because of the efforts of CIOSA through Ms.Usha Sridhar of INTERFACE.

Through Usha Sridhar, Ms.Nikhila Sridhar has come forward to associate DGSEA with "WE FLAP" for getting help from prospective donors.

GAIL(India) Limited continue to help us under the Coporate Social Responsibility. They have supported many of our service projects. It started with wter supply projects in the villages by providing Syntex tanks; setting up of training programme on Tailoring & Embroidery in which so many women will be benefitted; providing comfort to the senior citizens of our Home for the Aged and Computer training centre for the benefit of the school children.

THE KANCHEEPURAM District Administration has recognised our services and one among them was the relief work in the coastal villages during the TSUNAMI and heavy floods. We have been given the responsibility of identifying the beneficiaries and supervise and certify the construction of the houses for those poor people affected by the Tsunami.

CHIRAG FOUNDATION TRUST ( have come forward to help us in our services. The volunteers from the trust are expected to visit us shortly to get to know about our activities.


Consider the future of the less-fortunate children.

The facility and comfort you give to your children are not available to these children. It is the right of every child to get educated and it is our duty to provide it the facilities.

Please consider these children as your children • Your visit to our village will tell you more about what you can do for the less fortunate. • The 200 children in the orphanage, the 500 children who are students of our high school, 120 small children in our crèches and the 35 senior citizens in our Home for the Aged join us in praying to the almighty to give you more and more opportunities to go up in the ladder, so as to enable to help the poor without any interruption.

The immediate requirement is a Building for the Elementary school. You can see the present condition of the school in the link below:

The classes 1 to 10 are in need of good comfortable classroom furniture. Seeing the plight of children,Rotary Club came forward to help. They are helping the Indian schools to get the used school furniture from Japan. They were able to give us 50 sets which is just sufficient for one class room. The classroom furniture donated by the Rotary Club of Chennai Presidency with Rotary in Japan. Use link for the fotos.

We look forward for similar support for all the other classrooms.

We have a Computer Training centre sponsored by GAIL(India) Ltd.